
Welcome to the actual blog side of Joyfully Fed. Thanks for taking a minute to visit with me and listen to my thoughts and what’s on my heart. I’ve been contemplating this part of Joyfully Fed for some time now, but have always found a reason to not share more of what my truth is. Mostly thoughts of self-doubt, lack of experience, and fear of controversial topics have held me back. Lately though, I’ve been feeling this desire slowly creeping up inside me. Perhaps it’s a Lord giving me a nudge and a mix of a few recent experiences I’ve had that helped me overcome my fears and hesitation. 

So here I go. I plan to share with you what I believe about certain health, wellness, and lifestyle topics from my own learning and healing journey. Everything I post is what I find true for ME to live MY best life. I hope it finds you well and inspires you to dig deeper into your own life and pursue truth, health, and vitality which will lead to a joy-filled life. 

Thanks again for stopping by! 
