My Experience With COVID-19

Back in March, when the whole world shut down with the hopes of containing the elusive monster, coronavirus, I remember taking a minute to just sit and ponder what was happening.

Anxiety is something that comes very easy for me, so I naturally felt the fear and worry creep up my spine and into my brain. The news and social media are telling me the world is ending, people are throwing  their good nature and neighborly ways out the window at Costcos, grocery stores, and Targets. Stock-piling, tearing toilet paper, clorox wipes, and canned goods off the shelves like its about to be an apocalypse. Who wouldn’t feel freaked out?

On Sunday night, the governor had called off school for the week. If I am honest, as a teacher in the spring of the school year, I was pretty pumped to have a break from school. I, along with every other teacher out there, didn’t expect to never see our students in person again that school year. Online teaching is not fun. It was hard, frustrating, and not effective for me or my students. I only speak for myself as a special education teacher. My students thrive off of relationships and human connection.

As the months went on of closures, fears, worries, what-ifs, my beliefs about covid began forming. Talking with my naturopathic doctor, friends, and family about it gave me alot to think about. I went from pretty significant anxiety and fear, to annoyance, to blatant not caring anymore, back to anxiety and concern.

I encourage everyone to read the series of blog posts about covid written by Dr. Dan McDonald at Infinite Wellness Natural Healing Center. You can read them here. His own findings on the virus are remarkable and need to be shared with everyone, especially those who have had covid, as it could be life saving.

So school was officially over and my husband and I decided it was time to start living again. We went on various trips to nearby states and really enjoyed ourselves despite the country-wide closures. In mid-July, things in North Dakota were pretty steady. Late July, more cases were popping up. We decided to go to a wedding despite the increasing numbers and celebrate the new marriage of some friends.

When we returned home, my mom had mentioned that my grandmother wasn’t feeling well and I should go visit her. I felt just fine, but I scheduled an appointment with my doctor to make sure there was zero chance I would carry the elusive monster into my grandma’s home.

A few hours after the appointment he called me. Bad news,” he said. My heart sank. I was honestly terrified, but only because social media was showing me the extreme sides of the pandemic. Again, I had zero symptoms. He told me the virus hadnt yet starting invading my cells, but I was exposed. I started a healing program with him right away and never had any major issues. Until the next week.

If you read Dr. Dan’s blog posts, you’ll understand what happened next. One of his major findings was that covid attacks your chief immune system cells called the “PDCs.” All your other cells take orders from these cells, so when the 5 star general is missing, the soldiers are lost, disorganized, and maybe even revolting. Another finding was that when you no longer have the virus, those cells never come back online, which will only cause more serious health problems down the road.

That is exactly what happened to me. I started developing similar symptoms to my Graves disease diagnosis years ago. Heart palpitations, intense anxiety, insomnia, shakiness. I was sure my thyroid was off again and fearing the worst about going back on medication. Now, Graves disease is an autoimmune condition that attacks your immune system. Immune system attacker-sound familiar? So Covid had taken out my PDCs quicker than my doctor expected causing am autoimmune response similar to Grave’s. Again, I started a new healing program full designed to repair and reboot my immune cells and within a week I was feeling back to normal again.

I wrote this post to not only share my experience, but to offer a new perspective on the virus. One that is empowering and positive. It is a serious virus that we must respect, but focusing on improving our health rather than preventing infection is the only way we can become stronger than this monster.

If you or anyone you know tested positive or have been exposed, I encourage you to call Dr. Dan at Infinite Wellness to start a program fix the damage the virus has caused. Please reach out if you have any questions. I’d love to walk with you on your health journey.